The great Zen Master, Hui Neng once said “Birth and Death are great matters.” Time waits for no one and It is too easy to let time carelessly slip past us.
Within each of us, there exist the murmur of yearning for a spiritual quest to find the meaning of life. There are endless external and internal distractions and diversions that hinder our quest for spiritual knowledge and Inner Peace. We must embrace the murmur inside ourselves and embark on the discovery for knowledge and live in Zen, so that we may return to our timeless inner peace.
It is by realizing our own repeating reality and recognizing our bias and subjectivity that we can defeat our afflicted intellectual conscious and instead face actual Reality with our innate Inner Light. We are empowered to free ourselves from life’s sufferings. We ultimately hold the key to our own liberation.
We hold the key to freedom from the inner prison of our mind. We can set ourselves free by breaking down the outer Karmic world’s prison walls of duality and Karmic perpetuations. We should all live with the teaching of Sám Hói by Master Hui Neng, the sixth patriach of Zen. Sấm Hối facilitates our spiritual evolution so that we may return to our innate Original No-Mind.
Our Inner Light is similar to the transcendental potential of the lotus seed. We each have the ability to harness our innate potentiality, so that we can differentiate between the light of veracity and truth, from the darkness of distortion and fiction.
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